[Serious] What do you want to vent about?

I’m 27 and living with my mom because I feel like she needs my support financially even though she puts little effort into working at times. I don’t mean to discredit her, she’s an amazing person but I feel like I’m sacrificing my life and happiness just because I’m scared if I’m not around she’ll fall into a deeper hole.

I try not to be angry but when she works two or three days in a row and complains she’s tired and wants to call out or hopes her shift is canceled when I have to pay her cell phone, the internet and electric, it’s a bit frustrating. Recently just had to put an extra 200$ into rent and wasn’t even thanked for it. She just told me I have to do it because we have no other choice. It’s even more difficult to leave or say something because her and my 18 yo brother have been arguing/not talking to each other for almost three years, so I don’t want her to feel like both her kids are angry at her or don’t like her. I love my Mom very much but I often feel like her therapist and bank and I’ve been very depressed and feeling hopeless lately.

/r/AskReddit Thread