[Serious] What is your biggest regret?

Treating my father like crap before he passed. My mother and him got a divorce when I was about 9. So they went their separate ways, and eventually my father found someone and I wasn't too thrilled. Keep in mind I lived with my mom so I didn't keep in touch with my dad except for summer when we would go see a movie or something. Anyways i had felt like he owed ne something because he wasn't really there for me when I needed him. Granted he came to some of my soccer games and what not, I couldn't escape this feeling. Whenever I would go to his house I would be rude sometimes to him and his fiancée. It made me feel better but it was one of my worst mistakes. While he was in his good health I was just rude to him. Now my dad was a fantastic chef. Granted he didn't work at a 5 star restaurant, his food always put a smile on my face. Apparently he only cooked when I was at his house. Other than that he would eat fast food or TV dinners. He wasn't a heavy set man though. Standing 5'10" and 200-220 lbs, he looked decent. However his bad eating habits caught up to him. He had diabetes and he had a series of strokes. The first bring when I was in 7th or 8th grade. I wasn't to bad but you could tell it affected him. His speech was slightly slower but that was about it. Soon after he had a second one and it was much more severe. Almost total loss of speech and mobility. I was distraught. It was one of my worst experiences. One of the things he said to me was "you're going to be sorry." At the time I had no idea what he meant but after he passed, when i was a freshmen in highschool, i realized he meant that I was gonna be sorry for the way I had treated him. I treated my father like absolute dirt and didn't get to tell him goodbye or that I loved him. It is my only regret in life so far.

TLDR; Treated father like dirt after he divorced my mother. He got sick and passed and I never got to tell him I was sorry and that I loved him.

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