[Serious] What's the creepiest TRUE story that happened to you or someone you know?

Let me tell you a childhood story... When I was a kid, there was a guy in my neighborhood named (Ed). Me and my friends called him (Dumb-Man), because he was so dumb. These are just a few of the things he did - he smashed a bee’s nest on his head and got stung on his big nose (said he wanted to taste the sweet honey), he shattered a Moxie can on his head, he shot himself in the toe with a musket, he stood in traffic and a car banged into him, but the dumbest thing he ever did? … He jumped off of a building on a motorcycle (he said he wanted to be like Spiderman). He landed on an elderly woman (who he already fell on two times before). This lady had two canes! She pulled out a rolling pin from her purse and yelled “I’m gonna fuck you!”. She got on his motorcycle and chased after him. Dumb-Man ran as fast as he could, but he was so dumb that he kept falling on his bum. The old lady kept laughing as he constantly fell on his bum. Dumb-Man finally got really brave and confronted her about it (when he got brave, he started to get handsome). He told her “I’m sorry, hun.” and gave her some red roses. That’s when it all changed for Ed. The dude became cooler and cooler and everybody started to love him. He was never dumb again. What he didn’t know? ... the old lady had to get another cane. Three canes! She was pissed and ripped up the Bouquet of roses. At night she came back and broke into Ed’s house. She stood over his bed and said “I will fuck you very hard, dum-dum!”. He was terrified and jumped out his bedroom window. The old lady didn’t pursue him this time and called the police instead. Dumb-Man hijacked the police car and took the fuck off! Really dumb! The cops caught up to him eventually and ended up arresting him and the old lady. Nobody thought Dumb-Man was cool anymore, but they thought he was brave and handsome for stealing the police car. We just kind of liked him, but nobody liked the old lady. When he was in prison, his cell was right next to the old lady’s cell. He tried to throw some roses through the bars. She gave him some bugs in return. Dumb-Man was still so fucking dumb that he ate them up! The old lady heard him barfing at night and laughed. Then he was really handsome...

/r/AskReddit Thread