[Serious] What's in your 5 year plan?

This is a little amusing for me, I woke thinking about this.

The first thing you should know, is that I'm an absolute loser. Uneducated, inexperienced loser. I'm unemployed, unhealthy. overweight, unattractive. I'm also not a very nice person, I don't mean I go out of my way to be cruel or nasty, just a very cynical and frustrated person, with a more than healthy dose of self-loathing.

I'm tired of waking up and watching the news and seeing people around the world suffering for just basic things. I have a roof over my head, food, warmth, electricity and family. With nothing to show for it all. If this continues, my life will have been a complete waste. That's what scares me the most.

That being said, I am trying to turn things around. In five years, ill be 28. I hope I will have the following done in that time;

  • Finish basic education (in the UK thats A-Levels)

  • Lose weight

  • Have a stable job

  • Save as close to £15k as possible

  • Pass my driving test and buy a car

  • Socialise more, find at least one friend I can talk to.

  • Finish reading Under the dome by Stephen King (been sitting on my desk gathering dust for years)

  • Write one short story

  • Volunteer/Give to charity

  • Be happier, find more positives in life.

What I've done so far to achieve that is;

  • Running, in the last few months I've lost a stone, and built the stamina to run 2 miles daily.

  • Finished my CV (resume) and begun applying for jobs. (Minimum wage stuff)

  • Found some colleges that will allow me to study part-time when I'm financially capable.

I just want to be more than the pathetic mess I am now. I hope I can achieve these goals in 5 years.

/r/AskReddit Thread