[Serious] When did you find out that you weren't your best friend's, best friend?

So I was in a pretty dysfunctional relationship for the last 3 or so years. She cheated a lot, I forgave her a lot. You know, real door mat stuff.

Since we'd been together for a while she got to know a lot of my friends and they seemed to really get on with her. I didn't tell them the stuff she got up to because I'm a private person and it's pretty embarrassing stuff. It wasn't unusual for her to talk to them when I wasn't around, no big deal stuff. Except there was one friend she talked to an awful lot. Like, dozens of messages a day.

I confront each of them separately but they're "just friends". I expect her to lie, but probably not that guy. I've known him for the better part of 20 years, he do that.

Things rapidly deteriorated over the next 6 or so months and she eventually decided it wasn't working out for her. I'm heartbroken, so light up the Bro-Signal and rally some guys to get beers. One friend is noticeably absent...

... That's when some of the guys I hadn't seen for a while started telling me they were hanging out a lot, going to family functions and his family have been referring to her as his girlfriend for 6+ months.

They didn't know she and I were still together because I keep to myself online and see these guys rarely and don't talk about my embarrassing home life.

Turns out it was all true... On the one hand that guy is a piece of shit for doing that to me, but on the other hand... If he'd talked to me first he'd have also found out he just jumped into bed with a serial-cheating pathological liar.

So I'm sure he'll get his...

/r/AskReddit Thread