(Serious) White people who grew up in low-income families or didn't experience "the good life", what does white privilege mean to you and how do you feel about the term?

I grew up semi well off or at least from outside, by far though the positives were not outweighed by the negatives. Try living with a narcissist where everything you do isn't good enough and your constantly being mentally smacked down. Growing up i had multiple siblings older and younger and got slapped and hit when we did something she didn't agree with. Commonly finds excuses for not wanting to do things and complains and wants sympathy. It was honestly taxing. I recently had to move back home because of covid but god damn i wish i just went bankrupt and lived on the streets its 100x worse then it was before here. What its done to me now though is i just got really good at finding reasons to hide things now and avoid confrontation. I cringe at verbal fights and i find it hard to trust really anyone because everytime i trust that one person i get let down. Its definitely a shitty feedback loop. The only saving grace growing up was that i had game consoles and the select few i could have over, came over to play. But basically being controlled by an evil parent is by far something i wouldn't trade for being well off growing up. All i can hope for is a brighter future next year and just keep moving forward even if sometimes i feel like there really isn't progress. -_- Oh i and i didn't mention but i was expected to be the responsible one around the house and fix and take care of things so very rarely got to go out which results in little friendships. Moved out into a relationship that was actually amazing mother flipped the lid then eventually gf started acting like mother and we broke up. What a life eh? but i guess there could be worse

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