[Serious] You're given the opportunity to perform any experiment, regardless of ethical, legal, or financial barriers. Which experiment do you choose, and what do you think you'd find out?

EXPERIMENT 1: Utilization of Clones as Life Extension

Make four clones of a female baby and raise it in a tank, reserve the clones as a backup for the clonee. When the clonee is old, and if in case the cloned person dies, perform brain transplant.

Trial 1. raise the clone in tank. Reserve for brain transplant. Transfer the brain of the clonee to the clone when she reached 70yrs old.

Trial 2 raise the clone in tank, put in cryogenics when the clone turned 18. Transfer the brain of the clonee to the clone when she reach 70yrs old.

Trial 3 raise the clone in tank, put in cryogenics when the clone turned 18. Transfer the brain of the clonee to the clone 3 minutes after death.

Trial 1. raise the clone in tank. Transfer the brain of the clonee to the clone when she reached 70yrs old.

Hypothesis: Trial 1 is the only one successful. 2 & 3 fails due to weak organs after cryogenics.

EXPERIMENT 2: Utilization of Clones as Surrogates

make a clone and raise it in a tank. when she reached 18yrs use as a surrogate mother while in the tank.

Hypothesis: They will both survive.

/r/AskReddit Thread