Seriously concerned about the future of Rooster Teeth

This seems like the perfect thread to bring this up. Like OP said, we're getting a LOT of content thrown at us. It's gotten to the point where I no longer watch RT.

I used to watch RT religiously in college and shortly after I graduated. I continued watching content after I got my first post-college part-time job and even when I got promoted to full time. Then, maybe about October of last year, I went through a stretch where I wasn't able to watch RT content due to other obligations in my life. I went maybe a few weeks without watching anything. When I was able to watch again, I was so backlogged on content, I didn't even know where to begin.

I started tagging all the videos I'd missed into my "watch later section," but no sooner than I finished an hour long Let's Play on one day, two or three more get uploaded the next. I got so insanely backlogged that I just gave up watching altogether. I've watched maybe a couple of RT Animated Adventures and a Things to Do every now and again, but that's been it for the last six months. This subreddit has been my only source of RoosterTeeth news.

Now it is mostly my fault for not staying up-to-date on content, but I've experienced what OP is saying firsthand. For people like me who suddenly find a busier schedule in their life, trying to watch EVERYTHING RT puts out becomes a chore. This will likely become more of a problem as many younger RT fans go through college, find jobs, get other responsibilities in their lives and somehow get backlogged on their viewership.

Just my two cents. I think OP has made a good point here, and RT should at the very least give what he's saying some consideration.

/r/roosterteeth Thread