
I can understand why you would think that, but there's a lot of very negative things that come with being hyper sexual (at least as a woman):

  1. The overwhelming emotional component. Even with multiple partners in close succession, you still want all of them to "love" you.

  2. The plummet in self-worth. Just feeling worthless when those people don't "love" you can precipitate massive depression.

  3. You fuck people you really should not fuck. Your drug dealer, plutonic friends, friends in relationships, randos.

  4. And related - the hyper sexual vibe often attracts sexual attention that boarders on predatory, such as bosses, teachers, coaches, (i.e., men in positions of authority), and they make it very obvious that you're only worth sex to them.

  5. Intense paranoia about pregnancy and disease. A lot people get scared of these (reasonably), but paranoia persists after negative tests.

  6. Getting pregnant or an STD.

  7. Everything reinforces a very skewed sense of sexual boundaries.

And then some overlapping "problems" with having too much money:

  1. Feeling defined by sexuality or money - which is very superficial and a terrible basis for self-worth. Impossible to be happy that way.

  2. Feeling that all you have to bring to any friendship or relationship is sex or money and therefore using sex or money to attract friends.

  3. Not trusting friends or partners because you believe they're only using you for sex or money.

  4. Either being surrounded by people who really are only using you or pushing decent friends away out of paranoia that they're just using you.

I've met a few men who are sex addicts or hyper sexual during manic episodes and for them the damage is more the ridiculous amount of time they spend masturbating (9-10hrs/day), having high risk sex with anonymous partners, contracting STDs, and using drugs to fuel sex "binges." Sorry for the novel. Sometimes writing this kind of stuff out helps me recognize and deal myself. Thanks for the opportunity to do that.

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