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Old Man Napi was walkin across Blackfeet country and happened on some chickadees. the chickadees were doing some thing reeeeeeeally different and caught Old Mans curiosity.

The chickadees were dancing and singing a song Old Man had never heard before. at the end of the song their eyes would jump out of their head and stick to a near by tree. they would sing the song again and at the end their eyes would unstick from the tree and jump back into their heads.

Old Man was intrigued by this.

"Hullo there!" he hollered at them. "i see you are doing something reeeeeeeally different. i would sure like it if you taught me this trick of yours." the grandfather chickadee thought on it and decided he would teach this reeeeeeeally different thing they knew. he taught him the song and at the end of singing it Old Mans eyes jumped from his head and stuck to a near by tree. Old Man would sing the song again and his eyes would un stick from the tree and jump back in his head. Old Man was very much delighted by this trick. the grandfather chickadee warned him that he could do this trick but if he did it too many times in a day his eyes would get stuck and never come back. "i'ma tell you something, you can do this reeeeeeeally different thing now but if you do it too much you will be sorry." Old Man thanked them and off he went on his travels through Blackfeet country.

Old man was reeeeeeeally happy he knew this reeeeeeeally different thing and he ignored the chickadees warning. every where he went he sang that song and his eyes jumped from his head and stuck to things then he would sing the song again and they would unstick and jump back in his head. rocks, bushes, a mooses' ooucey (ooucey is the Southern Blackfeet saying for the south end of a moose or person or what have you when it is facing north. it kinda rhymes with the singular possessive of moose.)

Old Man was really having a good time of it all. he saw a quaking aspen and thought, "well i will do this reeeeeeeally different thing and stick my eyes to that quaking aspen". he sang the song and his eyes jumped from his head and stuck to that quaking aspen. Old Man was reeeeeeeally feeling plum caddy(another Southern Blackfeet saying which means cool or nifty or impressive can also mean putting on airs of being cool or nifty or impressive also called actin good) he sang the song again fully expecting his eyes to unstick from the tree and jump back into his head. but this time nothing. his eyes stayed where they were. he sang the song again. again nothing. Old Man started to get nervous and thought that maybe if he danced like the chickadees danced that would help. so he danced and sang and since he had no eyes he tripped and stumbled and fell around the place and generally had a hell of a hard time of it all.

as Old Man tripped and stumbled and fell around the placel and generally had a hell of a hard time of it all a coyote happened across him. the coyote had been limping along due to a thorn stuck in his paw. the paw had swollen and was plum stink. the coyote said to him self "look at that guy trippin and stumblin and fallin around the place. man he is having a hell of a hard time of it all. i should go raise hell with him."

the coyote crept close to Old Man as he lay on the ground exhausted from trippin and stumblin and fallin around the place and generally having a hell of a hard time with it all and put his sore, houngey(a Southern Blackfeet word that means ugly or grossest thing you should ever see) stink paw right up to Old Mans nose. Old Man got a whiff of it and jumped to his feet and exclaimed "AYE! BUCK SEE SEE NIMH!"(another Southern Blackfeet saying which describes something so rude i don't think i should even repeat what it means). the coyote thought this was so funny he laughed out loud! Old Man heard the coyote laughing and knew he was having a trick played on him. Old Man shot out his had and by luck caught the coyote by the neck.

"Oh you! Actin good like that! let see how you like it!" and he popped out coyotes eyes and stuck them in his head. coyote let out a yelp a holler and a scream and wriggled free from Old Mans grip and took off on a three legged gallop as fast as he could all the while trippin and stumblin and fallin around the place and generally having a hell of a hard time of it all.

Old Man was still upset he couldn't get his eyes off of the quaking aspen. he thought "well i need to travel on from here, but i will mark this tree and one of these days i will come back and get my eyes." he took out his knife and cut in to the quaking aspens bark and went on his way across Blackfeet country. and now when you come to blackfeet country and see quaking aspens they all have Old Man Napi's eyes stuck to them waitin for him.

/r/IndianCountry Thread