Sherman County, OR considers making organic farming illegal. Wants to forcibly spray 2,000 acres of certified organic farmland with herbicide.

I am quite aware of civil asset forfeiture and it should definitely be illegal. Maybe you should go start a campaign instead of the nothing you do now? The government still does more good than it does evil. You can't wipe out government. It will exist always.. You can only change the form that it takes.

I'm the one here trying to stop government hurting people and you're the one defending their actions. You need to take a long hard look at yourself.

You need to take a good look at yourself and actually think through WHAT would happen. Because you really arent. You have some magical picture in your head that isnt reality. You need to grow up.

You want to get rid of all of the regulations that protect people from what corporations will do for greed and profit. You have no plan and no practical idea how it would work. Instead of 'helping' people you will be fucking over millions. You have no plan other than boohoo my feels. If I make it go away then magically everything will be good.

You ignore damage corporations could do if they had all of the say. I've asked you over and over and over.. And you dodge the question every time.

This implies that government created water, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Water existed before government ever did.

Wow. You don't even know what public utilities are do you? Its not just water.. and its not just the existence of water.

an organization supplying a community with electricity, gas, water, or sewerage. Let take water for example.. You have to treat water to keep it free from pesticides/hormones and drugs/ etc etc.. Then you have to lay down pipes AND then upgrade those pipes so they do not leak and break. AND when they break you have to have a system that will go efficiently fix them. Its not a cheap system.

Now lets take your example.. There is no 'public' land. What if someone wants a electrical line to go to their house? There are multiple properties that own the land between their house and where they want to connect. Whelp.. They would be shit out of luck.

What corporation would want to spend the money it costs to reach a far off town? It would cost more than they would bring in so they get no electricity.

How about if everyone decides to go with well water instead of a utility. Well.. then they might just drain it dry. Or what if a company starts using the same water for manufacturing and chemicals seep down. Welp. Now everyone in the area has a contaminated groundwater.

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