Shit’s Fucked, Time to Bounce: Part Deux

I don't know. Given how China is set up, it shouldn't be. The government has never used the word nationalism (民族主义)in its history, and stresses that the 56 ethnic groups are equal and thus form a super ethnic group. I like to think that it isn't Fascism, because I know that this country fought alongside our grandfathers in the second world war -- they know the dangers of fascism).

But when I hear 民族复兴 (National/Ethnic Revival), as well as realizing full well that 中华民族 (that ethnic super-group) is completely flawed in definition, and the treatment of the Xinjiang minorities..... I don't know. Then there's the notion that many of my professors and other scholars are pushing that China is special in that it could lead a world order that is better than the westerners (not just the western countries, but the western people).

All I can say is that there is a VERY thin line between Authoritarian Socialism (what China claims to be) and Fascism. I think the specific defining line between them is what the state is -- a nation state (like post-Westphalian Europe where there's a dominant ethnic group) or a modern state (immigrant states like Canada and the USA). The fact that I myself am so comfortable with the former and so disgusted at the latter made me step back and really focus on how a state should be constructed.

But really. China is a Socialist country. And now "民族" or "Nation" is the popular word. By definition it is National Socialist -- so does that make it Fascist? You tell me.

/r/China Thread Parent