This shit at Union station just gets creepier by the day.

That's not the problem, it's a problem.

Would you agree that there is some public art that you like?

Would you agree that we should continue funding public art?

The jury method and request for proposal method has been behind the creation of some of the most incredible art ever made by human beings. That isn't an exaggeration.

Just because this one time you don't like it, doesn't mean we should throw the baby out with the bath water.

You also seem a bit focused on how little you like it. You are one person. Sure, lots of people don't like this piece of art, but I'm sure many do. There's even people here in this thread who like it.

Your opinion is just yours. Art is subjective, just like music and movies.

And, as I've already said, it's not always a possibility to just throw more artists at the problem. It's conversations like this that make me realize no one other than artists and the ancillary fields have a damn clue what is actually involved in making this stuff.

Do you demand that movies be community oriented? Or that scripts are written by committee? How about music? Both receive public tax subsidies, both produce crap and genius. Why is it always art that gets its funding cut? Why not fucking tax subsidies for film every time a piece of shit comes out on screen?

I explained why splitting projects won't work. No artist who is qualified to make GOOD ART will apply. I sure wouldn't. Fuck that. I can't even afford to make the ideas I have with the tentative budgets I see.

Here's how you get bad art:

  • Reduce the money
  • Demand the community "help"
  • Involve more people.

Artists make art. Committees make crap. Communities make fun little murals with hands and children and flowers.

If you want challenging art, and even if you don't I'd argue you benefit from it, then you have to accept that once in a while you'll hate something. Get over it, frankly.

Fuck. Conversations like this make me realize so many people think this is a fun party. I work full time and run a studio. I work like... 80 hours a week. I make in total 42k a year, because that's what it appears to take to be a functional artist. I have skills in fabrication, welding, carpentry, plastic casting, finish application, cold and hot metal working, ceramics, plaster... budgeting... so do many artists. It's a job, and it's hard, and 99% of people would take your salary away and tell you you'd be better off working at fucking burger king.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, you're welcome, I hope next time the art you paid maybe 0.003 cents of tax dollars for satisfies you next time.

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