A short argument for why time must have had a beginning

Basically, if the universe came from nothing then in that moment >before the big bang there was no present, future, and past. Based >on your definition:

He is basing his theory off of the theory that something has always existed, but there are really two options. Either time has always existed, or at some point there was nothing and then something came to exist.

So, we have two options either time has always existed, or at some point time had a beginning when our universe was created. His theory is based off of the assertion that something has always existed. I was trying to point out that the other option is that there was nothing before. That would mean that his definition doesn't work exactly in that situation, because in that moment there was not time. Meaning time does not spread out infinitely behind us in the past. There was a starting point.

Also, I'm not to sure about this, but he is also saying that infinite has to move infinitely in both directions! I haven't really studied infinite that much, but to me it would seem like you could start at 0 and move infinitely in either direction and you would still have an infinite number. Or, you can have an infinite that has always existed like he is asserting.

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