I should be able to go to the gym to lose weight, no matter my age

I just want to say, I was in exactly your shoes. I was chubby and around your same age I started to work out. My parents were fine with it but god forbid I step on the scale to monitor my progress. They always hit me with the “You’re a growing boy,” which I still don’t know how it relates to me wanting to slim up. I’m here to tell you that you’re doing the right thing. Know that it is a process and it won’t happen in one week, so stick with it even if it feels like nothing is happening. You will look back at pictures of yourself and see how much progress you have made, even if it doesn’t feel like much. Dedication and hard work are the only ways to get results.

One last thing: eat healthier, but don’t starve yourself. Skipping meals and “fasting” will shrink your muscles, not your fat. Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly will help you gain muscle and lose fat. Eating healthier is not equivalent to eating less.

You have every right to go to the gym and feel better about yourself. There is no “old enough” age to look after your own health.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread