We should all aspire to be like her

When I was in grade school they told me High school would be different and I'd have to plan and study to graduate. Pissed around for 4 years, late more than I was on time, detentions here and there (mostly for being late), and always waited till 1 or 2 days before the test to cram. Graduated 3.8 gpa and got into state university. They told me university would be different. Not really, tanked my gpa first year and dropped out a few times but when I found out what I wanted to do it wasn't really hard to get it back up. If I'd had one more semester I would have graduated honors. Core classes are a total joke and I still crammed for tests day or 2 out. It was much harder than high school but that's just because I made it hard by putting shit off till the last minute. Then everyone said there wouldn't be job when I graduated, had an offer going into my senior year and accepted with a different company before the end of my first semester. And if you think I gets harder after college in the 'real world' well buddy just wait til you see what corporate jobs are like. It's honestly shocking how much people are paid and how little they really do. I'm not a genius either, it's only as hard as you make it.

/r/trashy Thread Link - i.redd.it