Should I move to NYC now?

Absolutely do it. There seems to be a misunderstanding that people in other places have more shit to do during COVID, but unless you hike a lot or some shit it’s boring everywhere because there’s a pandemic. Maybe you have a bigger apartment but anywhere feels small when you’re stuck there all day.

And NYC has not been too bad during the last few months, you’ll make friends doing stuff (climbing gym, volunteering, whatever) and your baseline for fun will be so low that when things get going again it’ll be like jumping into a hot tub after wandering through snow to get there, it’ll rule so much.

Finally - so many people were pussies and left the city in the spring because it got scared/mom and dad called and said they were concerned. People who moved to NYC during COVID will get laid way more easily after this ends - true cred.

/r/redscarepod Thread