Should I risk going on HRT behind my parent's back?

Shit, is that a low GPA now? I had a 2.7 in high school. And in order to get above a 4.0 you'd have to be able to get across town every day for at least one period (all the college prep/ap classes were at the main high school) then get back to your next class. I transferred from community college with a 3.4 GPA, though took 2 tries to get in. I think you'll get in with your GPA and extra curriculars, but on the off chance that you don't I highly recommend a few years of community college and then transfer. You get the boring classes done cheap and can really narrow down and confirm what you want to do. If I had gone to a 4 year straight out of high school I would have likely been a bio major and dropped out because turns out I don't like it nearly as much as I thought I did.

/r/trans Thread