Simple Choice Promo Data Upgrade-90 days remaining!

I’ve added the $10 4.5GB option (currently 6GB w/promo) to all four of my lines for the unlimited BingeOn. That works for us and puts in the price range of One.

Customer Care can still add this, but the SOC code is hidden. They will tell you there is only the $15 option. Just need to be persistent, convincing, but mostly kind in asking. If you get to much resistence ask them if they will send in a request to business support to have the $10 data option added.

Reasons I will be staying on Simple Choice:

  • Don’t want to lose the $10 Family Stateside International. Wife is from Europe. Best feature T-Mobile ever offered IMO.
  • 5 free Beta Digits lines (Duplicate SIM) I don’t want to lose
  • 3 free lines. I keep these for my wife’s family when they come to visit. We also host exchange students and let them use one of the lines.
  • I like the idea/flexibility to add lines at $10 if the need ever comes up
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