Singaporean Malays, Malaysian Malays says that you are treated poorly in Singapore, could your clear up whether there is any truth to this?

Is the main problem for minorities because when you apply for bto directly you dont get it because of the racial quota? Or in what way do you feel the discrimination?

Specifically for bto, minorities have the advantage cause almost always they get whatever they choose for bto due to their racial quota not being filled up.

Cousin married an Indian and purposely declared as Indian got bto first try, friend married a Malay and purposely declare as Malay also got it on first try.

Problem is when you want to move out, you can only choose the same race to buy / sell a house to.

What this means is that while people are free to buy and sell flats if they’re of the same ethnicity (since this won’t affect the percentage of ownership), should they want to buy or sell from someone of a different ethnicity, they will only be able to do this if the sale won’t result in the percentage of that ethnicity going over their allotted quota.

Tldr: minority bto ggez but when selling rabak kebab


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