Singaporean student in London seeks eyewitnesses after coronavirus-related taunt and assault

My black friends in Singapore disagree. They constantly complain about being openly discriminated against by Singaporean Chinese (mostly older people) and often insulted behind their back in Chinese. An example is one of my friends from the US was told he would not get an interview because that place did not have “African food”. Another one was told he could not get an apartment because the landlords were afraid he would “invite all his family over” and that it would smell bad.

With that being said, violence is indeed not an issue. But to be fair, a country like the US or the UK is many times larger than Singapore and the demographics is very socially non homogeneous. Violence in general (and not just violence motivated by racism) is more of an issue in western countries than it is in a place like SG, and most of that violence comes from the very fringe of society.

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