Singles of Reddit, what's your biggest dating struggle right now?

Late to the party so will probably be buried, but I didn't see it yet so I'll answer:

Finding someone with a low sex drive.

Currently not looking for anyone right now, but when I do that's definitely going to be the biggest obstacle. On the ace spectrum (demisexual), and trying to explain to someone that sex isn't happening within the first few dates (hell it might not happen the first year) doesn't really pan out that well with most people.

Which is totally cool. I have no problem with people having their own boundaries. But man do people take it offensively that you're just not into the idea of sex. I can't help it that despite turning 28 this year I've only ever felt sexual attraction to two people, and one of those was so sudden and inexplicable that I didn't even know what I was feeling until I was able to talk to a friend about it.

I know my guy is out there somewhere and I'll meet him someday. Today is just not that day :P To any Aces/Ace spectrum folks out there (especially dudes since they get talked down a lot): you're not broken nor are you doomed to being lonely. You'll find what you're looking for one day (if you're looking!).

/r/AskReddit Thread