Skydancer's buffs are cancelled??

I think it is quite ridiculous to get some users excited and then to slap them in the face again and say they are cancelling the balancing of skills.

I believe that the original skill balancing which com2us released a couple days ago is fair for the dark sky dancer. She is an attack type monster with a 3rd skill which does decent damage. I think an unconditional ignore defence is the right call instead of having her 'IGNORES ALL DAMAGE REDUCTION EFFECTS ON THE ENEMY'(which is not the same as ignore defence) when below 50% as when using her for PvP purposes she needs to use the skill immediately or she will die before she is able to get the chance to use it.

Also i think it is a good decision to switch the second skills of the dark and light sky dancers. As the light sky dancer is a support monster it is reasonable to give her the amuse skill and give the dark sky dancer the skill to remove beneficial effects. As an attack type monster it does not make sense to give her the amuse skill, as this would create some difficulty on whether to rune her with higher hp or higher damage. Higher damage would be the right way to rune her however this would make her very squishy meaning that she would be killed easily therefore unable to use amuse or even the dagger of grudge skill.

This is just my opinion and as a person who has pulled the dark sky dancer i believe if her skills are reworked and the original changes are made it would be more viable in arena and other PvE purposes like necro and raids.

Others may disagree and say she is OP because of her leader ability and i agree with that, but other than the 28% spd lead she doesn't really bring much else to the team. I pulled her last year and haven't used her and as a F2P player the use of all monsters i manage to get especially a LD nat 5* is vital. I have tried her out in many situations but she just does not make the team and i would rather have another monster in her spot which brings more synergy.

I was very excited when i read that she was getting buffed as i believed that i was able to change my game drastically. I do not have verde and if the dark sky dancer was able to remove beneficial effects i would be set for a spd composition without verde for DB10. Furthermore i would be able to use her in arena with a single lushen combo [Wolyung (spd leader), Bernard, Megan, Lushen] with wolyung taking out 1 enemy with her ignore defence, much like seara bombing a single unit before the lushen goes. I was fairly disappointed when i saw that Com2us is cancelling the buffs but i just hope that the balancing skills for the dark sky dancer stay the same as originally planned (having the 2nd skill hitting 3 times with 100% to remove beneficial effects and the 3rd skill unconditionally ignoring defence) as i do believe the skills would be great for her and she will be able to be used more. After all, she is a very rare natural light and dark 5* and it would be nice to see a good kit on her.

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