SLP to MD/PhD?

Lots of fucked up things. I was verbally abused on a weekly basis . I was Told I was an embarrassment. I was threatened with removal from the program for something very minor (accidentally sent a rough draft of my proposal instead of the final copy). I was blamed for things that weren’t my fault. I was held to ridiculous expectations -during my dissertation research I was working 6-7 days a week and was still told I wasn’t doing enough. I was berated a few times for not answering a professor’s email immediately (like within a few hours) but the same professors could take weeks to get back to me. Also my lab was run in a very unfair way. There was another PhD student who cheated, lied and did almost no work and there were zero consequences for her. We had undergrad assistants who helped us with our projects but she would literally make them do everything. Meanwhile I was rarely given any help (one assistant who came once a week versus multiple assistants who came multiple times a week for the lazy woman in my lab). When I pointed out how unfair this was and asked if I could just get one more person to help me, my work ethic was questioned. It’s toxic as fuck. I graduated a year ago and took a clinic job and I’m still nowhere near full recovery. I still get terrified anytime my boss asks to talk to me even though she’s been very fair and supportive because I still expect to be yelled at and called stupid and disorganized every time I go into a meeting. I’m slowly getting a little better but I will probably never be the same again because my self esteem is so damaged. I’m still bitter as fuck which is probably obvious based on everything I’ve said here. And people wonder why there’s a shortage of research in our field? It makes zero sense th get a PhD and put up with this shit when you can have a very good career without one.

/r/slp Thread Parent