Small Rant Thread! This week's title is something we will never be: deMIL's Right Hand!

Can CPS (or local equivalent) count as flying monkeys? They got involved a few years ago because apparently disabled parents of disabled teens are just inherently terrible and must be monitored, and they really super fixated on the fact that we were, more or less, NC with my kid's father's mother (and low contact with the dad tbh), "Vera", on account of she's a ghastly bitch whose unpleasantness I put up with for over a decade because I didn't want to ruin her relationship with my kid, right up until my kid started to come back from seeing her a lot less animated than usual and eventually (her invitations to come visit for the weekend were sporadic to say the least so it took probably a year or two for this to really come to a head) asked if they could, like, not see grandma any more? I spoke to her about it and she basically accused me of Poisoning Her Grandchild Against Her (funny, I always worked hard on not saying anything negative about her or her son to my kid, to the extent that I think I may have made my kid feel low-key gaslit :( meanwhile she and her sainted son have spent years putting me down to my kid, usually in a 'you're going to be useless like her' sort of way, too. LIVID.)

Anyway, she refused to accept any wrongdoing or responsibility or need to maybe stop being so actively horrible to an impressionable kid, so we went NC. About a year later I got talked into meeting up with her (just for lunch this time, no staying the night without me present) and she still managed to fit in a rant about how if I didn't want her to do her "healing" on me then I must want my disability to stay forever (!) and generally made us both uncomfortable so I agreed to go back to NC - the NC was at all times at my kid's request, I think by this point my kid was around 12 or 13, plenty old enough IMO.

Anyway, so, a year or two later (apparently being surrounded by gaslighting makes your sense of time go funky, who knew?) CPS got involved and they were utterly fixated on the fact that it's Not Healthy to cut people out "just because you don't like them" (Vera made a big show of how she "just told some uncomfortable truths" and I "didn't want to hear the uncomfortable truths and was a big meanie" or whatever) and we had to Rebuild The Relationship. Oh, and apparently kid's dad never mentioned the physical abuse he always told me she had inflicted on him as a kid. So that was helpful.

Er, this small rant got a bit big, sorry.