ENTP friend confused about her personality. Is this common for ENTPs?


I feel like Ne, Ti, and Fe have definitely affected how I'm growing up as a woman.

Ne - obsessed with the new, novel, and making connections between everyytthinnggg. Getting lost in your thoughts and ideas but being SO dependent on how people will receive these ideas. After all, Ne is an extroverted function (crazy to believe, right?).

Ti - the thing that makes you a stubborn dick. I just want things to be logically consistent. You organise things so deeply into this neat little internal pile and Ne fucking up your shit with its "let's see how this person responds to being subjected to jokes they might not like about their hot sister".

Fe - again, being a slave to peoples' perceptions. You want a group to believe in, morals to adhere comfortably to, but they just keep being inconsistent. Your Ti cherry picks and makes distinctions but that doesn't suit Fe's need to fit into a group. Your Ne has a dark brand of humour that your scared to flaunt, you are always biting your tongue. Seems like the men get away with this much more often.

/r/entp Thread