To snip or not to snip: Circumcision in the US by region [OC]

There was a weird cultural shift about this though (I think).

I'm also 35, Canadian, and uncircumcised. My brother who is 5 years older than me is. We actually talked about this once and he said that most guys his age were, whereas I'd say most guys my age aren't. He was probably like 16-17 when we had the convo (I was around 12-13ish) so we would have both been basing our data on what we saw in the locker rooms at school and whatnot.

Long story short, I think there was a time in the mid-70s when it just kinda fell out of vogue.

One of my close friends had a son a couple of years ago and we actually had a brief chat about this while his wife was pregnant. A friend of his wife's told them the story about when they got their son circumcised (shortly after birth) and it put them both right off the idea. My friend is circumcised so they initially planned to get their son done, but the friend said they basically strapped the baby down in this medieval torture medical device (oh god the things I saw googling for that picture, I'm definitely on a list now) to do it and the kid screamed and cried so much it basically traumatized the parents. They were still on the fence but decided not to do it after I told them that I wasn't and never had any kind of problems (slightly awkward conversation, but we've been good friends for a long time so meh)...

Personally, I think it shouldn't be done unless there is a legit medical reason (which does happen).

This is probably the most I've ever said on the topic outside of that conversation with my friend and his wife, just thought I'd throw it out there as a "Canadian side of the story".

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