Social media needs rules

I have followed this a lot.

The issue is here tax exemption:

misinformation: posting videos about "free energy generators" is misinformation, or cars 'running on pure water' (it is not, it is h2o2, made via electrolysis, and they never show the battery packs they have to lug around to make the h2o2). Flat earth is clearly misinformation. However, I'd be sad to have that funny stuff removed.

These examples are, however, never removed, not even criticized.

Clearly, platforms that pretend to moderate to remove misinformation do that only if 'misinformation' counterdicts some religious, or political direction, or pseudo scientific narrative, that is favored by the platform.

That makes them not moderators (moderate all misinformation) but editors.

Platforms get a big tax exemption (section 230) on the base of being mere platforms, not editors.

Section 230 just needs to be enforced: make Facebook, Twitter, any other pay back taxes from when they started to consider valid 'dissenting' opinion 'misinformation' but do not moderate all real misinformation.

Selective moderation is editing I'd say.

The laws are on the books. Nobody should be too big to be above the law.

My opinion as I see it.

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