SOCJUS comes to Historical European Martial Arts niche; practitioners not liking the katana are labeled racist, because 2016

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

You know that's complete bullshit right? I mean it's literally not only not possible it's also not desirable. Even folding it only 1,000 times would result in a blade with 21000 layers, or 10 followed by 300 zeros. That's neither feasible, nor desirable.

In fact after only 20 foldings, there is way too much diffusion in the content of the carbon & the steel just becomes completely homogenous at which point the act of folding no longer has any benefit whatsoever.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

LOL no. Comparing the sharpness of the Katana with a European is like declaring that a car is better than a boat because it has more wheels. They were two completely different animals, doing to completely different things, against two completely different types of enemies.

As for the nonsense about bisecting a knight wearing full plate, no it can't, that's your standard weaboo bullshit that you people obsessed with Katanas dribble shit about.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan?Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan?

Because Japan was a small island nation of limited resources, that was essentially on the other side of the planet from them, on the other side of Asia.

That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction

Hahahahahahahahaha, no.

Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

LOL no. I'll give you a clue to the real reason why they targeted them first.

It was the same reason why in the Second Indo-Chinese war (better known to you as the Vietnam Conflict), soldiers never saluted when they were in the field..... Can you guess why? Once you've figured out why, you will quickly guess why those with Katanas were targeted first.

Seriously, THIS is why people hate Katana's, because western people who are fans of Katanas are obsessed beyond all common sense & reality.

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