[SocJus] Designer News is having a ShirtGate all of its own

It'll be funny when "Ed" does a 180 one to five years from now when he realizes his "grand crusade" returned exactly nothing to him.

No, it'll be sad.

A generation of men are being brainwashed to believe that "women are wonderful" and taught to ignore the evidence all around them, even the evidence of their own senses.

Men are being driven out of their minds because they can't get laid or even a date and they don't understand why, so they lash out in psychotic rages. All because men are made to feel so weak, worthless, and unimportant. Men are constantly put down and belittled, and it starts when we're children. "You have to be nice to girls". And so we get weak men who are always nice to girls, and weak girls who can't handle anything because they were never pushed on the playground and so a negative comment feels like a slap across the face.

And the true irony is that feminism does the exact same thing for women. It belittles them and puts them down. Any accomplishments a woman makes are made meaningless by a feminist culture that tells you that "ALL women are great, ALL women deserve the best... oh, did you actually earn something as a woman? You're an accomplished female scientist? Too bad, we're going to put thousands of mediocre women into STEM careers just so we can say that ALL women are amazing!"

And the experiment doesn't even work, but they keep trying it and keep degrading the accomplishments of women who actually do anything with their lives. Especially mothers. God forbid a woman simply want to raise children and have a happy household. What a freak! Why isn't she working? Why isn't she spending?

Here's a simple way to test all this. Find a woman in your life who asks you for things. Most men have them. When she asks you for something... tell her no.

Observe how fast she gets emotional.

That's how fucked up feminism has made women. They can't even handle the word "no". And then they're surprised when feminized men have a hard time hearing it too.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Parent