[SOLVED] Evolve First or Power Up First?

For now its like that. And attacking is much easier imo. Its a team vs 1.

My main point is that this ruins 2 big things for me that I was hoping for in the future.

  1. Trading: Why would I want to trade something when if I have it or have access to it will be identical? Unless its a region locked pokemon there would be no reason to trade.

  2. This hurts pvp. It doesnt kill it but if the only difference between 2 pokemon are its moves and a slight HP the only way to be good at pvp is by obtaining a pokemon not common in your area. I get thats kinda the point to travel but for us that liked/played pokemon before this news kinda puts a huge dumbed down on it.

I just see that within a week or 2 you will see gyms over run with a max CP common pokemon and its whoever is playing the most wins. Super effective hits mean little to nothing as far as this counter thing goes. Ive taken down CP 500 Jolteons with this 600 pidgeot its just mashing the screen for the most part. I may be over reacting but this troubles me. I was hoping for a more individual experience.

Im still going to play though hahaha.

/r/pokemongo Thread Parent Link - imgur.com