Someone motivate me to do my homework before its too late:(

So motivation doesn't exist. You're never going to feel like doing it. And that's because we, as humans are wired to in the present to choose what feels good. Because we don't think of our future selves as us. They're the separate entity that's going to have to deal with the problem (even though the problem is carried within you, bubbling up in your thoughts as you try to enjoy whatever distractions you prefer).

But by not doing your homework today, the problem doesn't go away. The homework still there. And even if you get no blowback for not doing it, you have the intangible loss of deliberate practice to build your knowledge base on.

But what you do have is the present, and discipline. But in order to access discipline in a meaningful way, you have to understand some things about the present, and the tasks before you.

This one piece of homework is like a boulder on a mountain of boulders, built one among another through out the school year. You can either do it, and gain the experience of having done it, or continue to distract yourself and atrophy.

Use it or lose it.

If you're resting, you're rusting.

In every moment of life, you are really using those rocks, those boulders, those tasks, those experienes to build your future self. All of us a stronger Sisyphus each day we carry our rocks, the goal to make tomorrow's load lighter.

Who knows if drawing a mustard bottle has ever come in handy, but I've never regretted any art I've made. I've actually got a painting I've been meaning to do.

You in?

/r/teenagers Thread