Someone uses the term "Nazi Army" instead of Wehrmacht. You can guess where this is going. "Most of them wanted to avoid committing atrocities

And I adore how you feel it necessary to follow me around, insult me, and then make claims about me that are untrue, and even claim I said things that I never did. You must really have no life.

I'd point out that you have yet to refute any of the times I've proven you wrong (which, so far, is every fucking single time, because you have no fucking idea how to cite your claims, and you have a horribly skewed view of history). Seriously, you're a joke. Get over yourself, and get a life.

I like no matter how many times you apparently jack off to that thread you never once read the part where you said that and claimed that's what I believe because I said Imperial Germany was a centralized state. The conversation was literally:

Height of dishonesty, there. You claimed that a state that had a parliament and suzerainty over its vassals was centralized. I pointed out that the HRE matched that description. You somehow turned that around and claimed that I said it. You literally claimed that the HRE was centralized.

And from that incredible amount of intellectual dishonesty posted three months ago you have been following me around constantly saying how I think the HRE is a centralized state, cataloging my posts, engaging in debates with me over frivolous bullshit and then when I recognize you and call you out you drop these bombs of links on me saying how I'm a hypocrite and to stop harassing you lmfao. You're so delusionally insane it would actually scare me if I had any identifiable information on my account.

You've been following me, asshole. Do you honestly believe that I think it's coincidental that you happen to just 'be there' any time a post harassing me is around? You do know that sockpuppets are forbidden, yes?

Please; seek help. You need it. This odd fascination you have with me is a little unsettling.

Please; seek help. You need it. This odd fascination you have with me is a little unsettling.

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