As someone who is physically unattractive I feel closer to god

Can we stop with this? I’m considered very “physically attractive” and it hasn’t done me good. I have had a very difficult life full of trauma, pain, and hardship ever since I was a baby.
I have ran into some of the most demonic filled people I could think of and they had no problems making their hatred very clear.
Jealous and hate filled women, being bullied in school, sexual predators, etc.

I’m on disability this day. I still have stress, sleep issues, PTSD, body pain, and much more that I’ve been asking God to heal.

I have no friends. I am single because men have hurt me terribly and they only want one thing. I have been sexually assaulted many times before and have attempted suicide before many years ago. Please stop stop stop the assumptions with how people look.

My pain and agony brought me to my knees and Jesus is ALL I have. I have no one and have been forced away to be a loner. People assume too much. They look at me and assume I’ll be fine, assume I’m popular, assume I’m mean, or blame me for my lack of friendships when people don’t want to be bothered or are just terribly jealous or have whatever it is in them that causes them to want nothing to do with me. I’ve known betrayal and violation since I was small.

I’m about to be homeless and living in my vehicle because I have no place to go next month and the church does not care. I’ve been violated and abused by church people as well. I’ve been homeless before. Was engaged before, got abandoned out of no where, the guy ruined by credit, relationships have been horrible. I have too many stories. The only good that has come to my life has been Jesus Christ. Job in the Bible?? Yeah, I can relate. I lost EVERYTHING and this isn’t the first time but I have faith that God will restore it.

I don’t mean to come off as rude, I’m really not. I love and love and care about you all. I’m so glad your pain brought you closer to Jesus. Mine did too. I’m glad your rejection brought you closer to Jesus. Mine did too. But I don’t have it easier because I’m considered attractive. It’s extremely extremely difficult.

I’m not materialistic. I store my treasure in heaven myself. You are very right about how other Christians can behave. I had one the other day get snappy with me when I let down my guard and cried and told her I was going to be homeless. I felt she kicked me when I was down. She had a look of disgust on her face. But God already warned me in a dream that she was going to have a terrible attitude. There are still loving Christians out there I’m sure. It may not be many, but I believe they exist somewhere.

While I’m posting, I’m going to ask anyone reading this to pray for me. I will pray for you as well. God bless ❤️

/r/TrueChristian Thread