Somewhere in this thread: "... why did Hitler begin life effeminate and later in life self identify as a pervert who loved to defile innocent peasant girls?...Once Hitler met Ernst Rohm (the ultra masculine homosexual) his sexual identity matured to being Dark Luciferian."

Way back when I said that women were overpaid. I didn't have a specific case at hand, but now I do. It's recent.

They find that women get more (!) requests accepted than men for all of the top ten programming languages. They check some possible confounders – whether women make smaller changes (easier to get accepted) or whether their changes are more likely to serve an immediate project need (again, easier to get accepted) and in fact find the opposite – women’s changes are larger and less likely to serve project needs. That makes their better performance extra impressive.

I've heard anecdotes that women had easy interview question when doing finance job interviews, and I'm trying to find a Dilbert blog post on when he was personally told he wasn't getting a promotion because they needed more female managers, but couldn't find it, but I found this instead.

On a meta-bias level, the instrument we rely on to detect bias (academia, the media) in the workplace is likely biased.

And of course we had UVA, the Cologne cover-up, etc. I think if an objective study could be conducted, we'd find these kind of biases against men in nearly all sectors. If two candidates are approximately identical, you always pick a woman b/c who wants lawsuits from the government, etc, who doesn't want good PR.

I'm coming from a vindictive place with all the clamoring for marital rape, etc, but it comes from a sense of carefully nurtured, and I think well deserved, victimhood, and men being systemically underpaid relative to women is one of them. And it's not even the fact that women get to spend the money - women spent most of the money under the patriarchy too - it's just so fucking unbelievably farcical when betas provide for women via 1. workplace bias, enforced by Title IX and the government 2. the welfare state, and then they get all the credit, turns around and blames men for not giving them more CEO positions, for calling them "bossy," and ride the cock carousel.

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