Sony's E3 Conference

Speaking completely from an unbiased standpoint here (I own both PS4 and an Xbox One with a pre-order about to be set on the S). I personally enjoyed Sonys more, but i guess it comes down to the exclusives. I'd rather play Horizon, God of War and SPIDERMAN (HOLY SHIT THIS STOLE THE SHOW FOR ME) than Gears, Recore and State of Decay.

So yeah, in my opinion it came down to the heavy-hitter exclusives above all. Obviously with some mic-drops like Crash and Kojimas title.

I will admit though, the VR stuff doesn't interest me at all, especially at that pricepoint. It just seems like a gimmick currently and i don't see myself sitting there for hours playing games. But at the same time, its currently in the same league as Scorpio. Both are expensive and the casual audience isn't going to look twice at either of them. Over time they'll become more accessible and cheaper obviously, but yeah right now spending so much time on something that most people won't invest it in stupid. This was probably a strong point for Microsoft, only dedicating the last 3 minutes to their high-end, non-consumer friendly hardware.

"Best conference of all time" is definitely a statement, E3 2013 was better IMO but again i can definitely see why its being praised this way. Every game shown off interested me except Infinite Warfare, meanwhile during the Xbox conference i found myself tabbing out constantly especially during the Sea of Theives, Minecraft and GoW stuff. But again, thats all based on what exclusives you enjoy.

Probably going to get downvoted as this is the Xbox sub and this post favors Sony but i felt the need to give my unbiased 2 cents on this.

/r/xboxone Thread