[Speculations] Rumors about getting banned after the new duplication glitch

Thank you for this post.

This is only my second time using a glitch to get money and the first time, I do think Rockstar adjusted some funds but didn't take away anything I had spent the money on. Other than that, I legitimately accidentally had a modder give me money twice. One time was accidental as I was entering a helicopter that he was firing money bags at and the second was against my will as the modder trapped me and started flooding me with money before I could exit the game. I have yet to be banned or put in the cheater pool and my character is level 198 (legitimately) as I've been playing since Xbox 360.

With that said, I'm always worried and paranoid about taking part in these things but it's worth the fun. To be honest, since I haven't been going "hardcore" with this glitch, it's sorta (in a way) given me something to spend time on the game doing. Otherwise, I'm pretty burned out on missions and heists while Freemode, as much as I love it, also quickly becomes stale.

I'm sitting at just under $2m after doing this glitch, heists, and missions. I felt extremely worried, guilty, and paranoid until I was messing around in the past three or four Freemode sessions where a hacker was "making it rain" for a number of players in each. That's not even accounting for the sessions where the modder a are less friendly and are constantly griefing or killing myself and the rest of the players. I think they have bigger fish to fry, namely those modder a that are injecting crazy sums of money into the game or downright ruining the experience of others. Not to sound entitled but I'd even go as far to say that we may even deserve the little bit of extra cash we get due to all of the interruptions in gameplay these modder a cause, not to mention those of us who don't take their money or blatantly ask and beg them for it.

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