Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine are likely to feature new dialogue technology

Please, I'm sure a little kid couldn't grasp the concept of raytracing more than "Flashy lights! Woo hoo!". I'm 20. I'm not saying full 4K Ray Tracing is possible at 60fps yet, 4K is much more difficult to render. I only meant that earlier I just said games like Miles Morales can run Performance RT mode that has ray-tracing at 60fps, which is 100% true. So the PS5 can handle both at once in that specific mode. It might not be as good as fidelity or performance, I haven't cared enough to look, but it at least gives us the best of both worlds. Which is good enough for me and most casual gamers.

I may be wrong though, I'm not at all insinuating that I know what I'm talking about. Maybe technology hasn't evolved that far yet, but it has to one day. Overall, I'm just here to have a positive discussion, guys.

Again, I'm just saying it can technically give us both performance and ray-tracing. Some games may be better for it than others, but my point was Performance Ray-tracing mode does exist. Maybe not in 4K, but still with great graphics.

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