Who was Ana Basaldua Ruiz? Fort Hood Soldier Found Dead After Reporting Sexual Harassment by Superior Officer

Don't allow soldiers to have girlfriends or wives

only officers may have wives and senior enlisted with dispensation

Don't allow soldiers to have cell phones or personal computers

Don't allow soldiers to freely possess personal clothing, or personal vehicles, and do not allow soldiers to freely travel to and from the installation or the quarters

make the US military and actual military and not some sort of psuedo-welfare/half-way house/prison/hood

I served in the US Army (2/22 10th Mountain, 3/325 82nd) and the Legion. Three total enlistments. Two of those were like living in an episode of the wire and one was tough but happy and I didn't see so much as a man spit on the side walk.

RIP private, you didn't know what you got into and your sergeant should have clubbed the man that choked you and the your officers should have jailed the men that harassed you. But that's the US Army.

/r/texas Thread Link - ibtimes.sg