[Spoiler] LPL Spring Post-Match Discussion Thread // Week 8 Day 1 - SH Royal vs Gamtee

I still have a big feeling that Gamtee is becoming a top5 lpl team somewhere between the next 12 months, mostly if they get a new support (or sinkdream step up hard).

Shitty game 1 from Letme (and the whole team, seriously worst game from Gamtee this split), but the guy is still probably the most improved player this split.

Hu1 seems like the chinese jungler doing the best atm in LPL.

Xiaohu is so weird and peculiar. Anyone that don't know him, would think his champion pool is small, since he's always playing the same 2-3 champions. But he's just spamming the best in the patch and it is working well, his bet champion is certainly Syndra and he keeps his picks mindset that is really working in regular season.

Tale is actually a bit disappointing / unimpressive. He was clearly better than Krystal last LSPL split, and even tho the adc talent wasn't so big in that time, i expected Tale to have a bit more impact at this time, but he's doing ok nonetheless.

Sinkdream is the worst support in LPL atm, really frustrating some games. I hope Gamtee keep the amazing scouting/research job and find a better player, either Minoko-300 from LSPL or amateur/soloq guys.

How to not love Gamtee. HUGE props for their scouting and roster building, by far the best this split. Xiaohu roflstomping everyone in MD (With the help of the jungler Xiqiaoyin, now in ADG/EDG.f) and Hu1 solo carrying RayUnion (with help of the top laner WGT), and now they are together in LPL showing that can become elite class in their roles... I didn't expected this to happen while i was watching them, it's so hard for amateur-challenger-LSPL players to get attention from LPL with just good performances.

Besides the Hipanda jackets, a full chinese roster and lotta potential after good recruiting, Gamtee might be my favorite LPL team...

Btw, shitty decision in taking Godlike over Cola, SHRC's best player this split. But insec had one of his best series in China. EP-WE stepped up recently, but it's clear that king-GT-SHRC-m3 will fight eachother for playoffs.

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