What preferences are people allowed to have?

I think it comes down to this

No, it comes down to shaming. You do things that may hurt your attractiveness and instead of taking responsibility over it, you decide to shame the opposition for having a preference that doesn't include you.

Let's imagine the "nice guy" thingy. They employ a lot of shaming strategies to try to emotionally blackmail women into liking them somehow (It doesn't work at all). I'm not talking about the strategy itself, but the post-failure strategy.

So it goes something like this :

I am a nice guy -> I have a faint feeling that this doesn't work, but I can't be bothered to take responsibility over the possibility that this is not attractive for the kind of woman I want -> I get rejected -> I shame those sluts for not wanting to be with me, I post on FB about how nice I was and how evil she was -> (no)profit.

Let's use one we can spot in a lot of media lately, with career women who can't find a partner.

I am a 35+ years old single career woman -> I have a faint feeling that I wasted a lot of opportunities when I was younger -> I can't be bothered to take responsibility and accept that I'm not as attractive as younger/x women for the kind of man I want -> Get rejected -> Write articles in the MSM shaming men for not wanting to man up and marry a woman of their age, for chasing those "young bunnies" or for not being bothered with relationships at all.

Since you used the promiscuous women one, let's use that one too :

I am a promiscuous woman -> I have a faint feeling that I may not be very attractive to the kind of man I want to be with, so I lie about my number of partners -> I'm not capable of taking responsibility over my life and own up my past -> Get rejected -> STOP SLUT SHAMING.

Mind that this affects mostly people who can't take responsibility for their choices and life in general.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread