(spoilers) Opening cinematic trailer

Transcript with notes:

"Yes, Indeed."

"It is called Lothric, Where the transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge."

The word Transitory is important here. The word means "not permanent", and this could very well explain the difference in locations between Lordran and Dragleic. These lands may not just shift in time, but in location as well.

"Adventuring North? The Pilgrims discover the truth of the old words."

The upward inflection of her voice denotes that she is asking your character a question. Whatever answers the Chosen Undead is seeking, they will find it North. Also, the Pilgrims appear to be similar to Merchant Hag Melentia from Dark Souls 2.

"The Fire fades, and the Lords go without thrones."

The Age of Dark is beginning.

"When the link of fire is threatened, the fire tolls, unearthing the Lords of Cinder from their graves."

The Age of Dark has awakened the Lords of Cinder, and it appears they are going to try and protect the last spark of flame.

"Adridge: Saint of the Deep, Ferron's Undead Legion: The Abysswatchers, and the reclusive lord of the Profaned Capital, Yohm The Giant."

The narrator is naming the three Lords of Cinder.

**Yohm appears to be the true king of The Giants, and the name of his city is important here. The word "profaned" means "treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect", and this could very well be because of Vendrick. Remember, Vendrick stole something from The Giants after he invaded their lands, so, in a sense, he "profaned" their capital.

Aldridge: Saint of the Deep, could be referring to water. However, his form appears to be tar-like in nature and completely black. It's quite possible that "the deep" actually refers to The Abyss and that Aldridge represents the nature of that place.

Ferron's Undead Legion: The Abysswatchers appears to be a multitude of Lords of Cinder as opposed to a single Lord. Also, I think their resemblance to Artorias is either inspired or coincidental. Artorias was a knight who followed Gwyn, and his monikor "The Abysswalker" was given to him after he made a pact to travel The Abyss. It's possible that these knights were inspired by Artorias and followed in his footsteps more than it is likely that Artorias was counted as part of their number.

"Only in truth, the Lords abandon their thrones, and the unkindled will rise."

This appears to be speaking about the Undead Curse. This moment appears to simply refer to the moment when the Cursed Undead start appearing again and start making their way towards The Kiln.

"Nameless, accursed undead unfit even to be cinder, and, so it is, that ash seeketh embers."

The narrator is addressing your character here again. She is, like the past narrators, goading your character on to their journey. The Cursed Undead are seen as lesser creatures, and so it's likely that she is attempting to convince your character that they're worthless. Clearly, this works to motivate the Cursed Undead to seek the flame.

So, that's the trailer and what I've managed to gather from watching it. All aboard the hype train.

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