SRS denizen posts to CMV just to argue. Gamedrops, mentions Pao, and FPH. Plays the victim.

As someone who came to Reddit in 2010 and was a mod for /r/jailbait I gotta say that the time that this person claims was Reddit at its best was right about when Reddit started turning to shit.

Normies ruin everything. Reddit is no different from 4chan, which was ruined back during Chanology when moralfags came en masse and tried to spread the meme that trolling needed to have a noble goal.

Reddit was pure Internet back in 2010 through 2012. Just unfiltered wild west fun.

Now it's a series of hugboxes for thousands of tiny groups who are extremely hostile if you stumble upon their circlejerk and express differing opinions. Oddly enough, places like KiA don't really do that unless the person is being loud and obnoxious about their hatred for us.

So fuck that. I just play video games and come to TiA and KiA when I want to take the Internet too seriously and be mad for a few minutes.

And then I go jack off with my VR headset and play some video games.

I lost sight of whatever point I set out to make with this post, though. So enjoy my rambling blog post.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link -