St Cloud residents - how is your experience?

As an ACTUAL racist/anti-semite who lives in saint cloud I WISH it was what half of these people are saying it is. It's just not. Just because we're White and don't like that our town is changing doesn't mean we're assholes to everyone who fails the paper bag test lmao. I banter with ricans all the time, hell I prefer them to the NJ/NY transplants any day of the week. Being around ricans I've learned more about insulting d*minicans and pinchos than I'd have ever dreamed of. You people got to stop living in this hyper reality online shit.

The good: Fishin, Big ol oak trees, people are fairly nice, city gas lines, close to the Florida trail.

The bad: Spectrum's monopoly, traffic has gone to shit, rampant over development, questionable water, small town cops are bored as hell, dodge ram drivers, people driving around in golf carts(it's cringe, White people gotta stop doing it) and redditors shadow boxing imaginary klan members.

/r/orlando Thread