Take a stand against Citipointe Christian College and their bigotry

I like how you specified you haven't done anything with a 'priest'? Very specific demograohic that you have not sucked off, does that mean you did suck everyone else at the boys school off?

Nudgee Old Boys club - you've got to be from Nudgee. Nudgee parents / old boys are always on and on about Rugby, every conversation you have - its like that's their real religion. Boring as batshit. Yes, yes - you enjoy tiny shorts and rough cuddles, we get it. Just call it Rugby and the admin will leave you alone. Now get back to "wrestling" on the rugby field, then hitting the showers together.

P.S. If you tell children something they can't control is a sin, that a sky wizard lives in their head and judges every thought they think, and then warn them that if they show any external peculiarities they will be excluded and unwelcome in their from their tribe for just having 'thoughts', you are setting up their internal demons with exactly what to focus on.

Anyhow, from an adult perspective... imagine being this principle thinking anyone is paying you to spend your time investigating if the children might be gay?!? How does he determine that they are? I attended Australian Catholic University, there is no such rule for adults about their sexuality or thoughts or anything of the sort, why is this school doing it to children?!

Anyone involved's blue card should be revoked.

/r/brisbane Thread Parent