Has Stardom's accessibility skewed SC's impression of the joshi scene?

So has Stardom's efforts in essence given their top talents a better view in SC's eyes compared to other joshi promotions?

100%. There's a two part reason.

  • I'm willing to bet Stardom is most of reddit's first exposure to good women's wrestling. People here are mostly fans that experienced WWE (and maybe WCW) as their first wrestling. Neither of those companies have really focused on women with in-ring quality or interesting characters. The only Western company that's done that in the past 20 years is TNA with their Knockouts, but from the lack of discussion about TNA's glory years here, I bet most haven't watched them so they missed out on an American company doing women's wrestling right. So they see that Stardom has some pretty good matches sometimes, and people overrate the company or the performers because they're still in the honeymoon phase with solid women's wrestling.

  • People watch Stardom partially because it's the "most accessible" (even though there are several promotions that are more accessible because they're free and use a better video player than Stardom World), so they only watch that and are satisfied. Which is fine, use your time how you want, but if other promotions were watched, they would realize that the top of Stardom isn't much better than other places. Io Shirai is very good, but she's not reinventing the wheel. Same with Hojo and Iwatani. There are a handful of other women that could be argued are as good or better than those three.

also people here think with their dicks so hojo and shirai have the alexa bliss problem of thinking someone is more talented than they are because they're pretty

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