[Step]father found out about what's been going on and is clingy

If that's what you call having kicked my ass, I feel sorry for you. She never came close to challenging my premise. Most of her arguments are red-herrings and straw-men, and her premise has already been debunked in sociological spheres. In fact, her opinion flies in the face of common knowledge/trope and the only reason you're disagreeing with it now is because it suits you.

Men don't need sex to survive any more than women do.

The argument was never about survival. Read the discussion before attempting to jump in and condescend.

Priests are a really good example that I didn't see shy_fem reference.

No they are not. In fact, they support my argument that demonizing sex and restricting one's ability to attain it can potentially lead to psychological issues as demonstrated by the amount of sex crimes in religious organizations.

Also, fucking psychos who show up at sororities and stuff with a machine gun because he couldn't get laid are just that. Fucking psychos. And if you honestly sympathize with that kind of person, or in any way think he was justified, seriously, I beg you to seek therapy and stop taking that red pill.

So much going on in this section that I'm not sure I can unravel all the fallacies and ass-backwards'ness....

First, "psychos" don't grow on trees. You're using a blanket shaming term because you're intellectually lazy and don't want to take into consideration why people do the things they do, so instead you label them "psychos" so you don't have to use any critical thinking skills, (because we all know those aren't going to helps us buy more pumpkin spice lattes, or instagram pictures of food), so you can make yourself feel better about the reality of human economics; if you have a system in which women are predominantly holding a higher bar for men than men are for women, that more men cannot reach than women for men, you are naturally going to get men who have lived a life of rejection, humiliation, anger, ridicule and whatever-have-you, who decide "hey, fuck you too women". That's just reality...which you then attempt to twist by suggesting I support the idea of mass murdering women for any reason, decide I must be a member of TheRedPill, and pretend to care about me by feigning concern for my mental well being when we both know you probably forgot my username 4 seconds after pressing "save", which is pretty friggin petty and sort of sick-minded in itself...

It's scares me that you were given moderator status.

/r/incest Thread Parent