Stephen hawking is doing an AMA Monday July 27 at 8am ET through Tuesday, August 4. The renowned physicist plans to discuss his concerns that artificial intelligence could one day outsmart mankind if we're not careful. Mark it in the books!

Here's my thoughts, based on various real life interactions with real people. I won't go into depth to say how or where I got the knowledge, other than, in the most vague of terms, I worked for a time as a contractor to the DOD.

  1. True AI is most likely already been done. I've seen some shit that is so far beyond "regular" user computing, it's unreal. I can only imagine the stuff they got in the real deep basements.

  2. The USA DOD has technology you can not imagine. Literally, it's that far ahead of public reality. Not just on the computer side, but the chemical side. They don't have missile silo's turned into germ warfare labs that go 20 stories under ground with multiple lockout and purge systems just for giggles.

  3. The computer systems that ARE publicly available to read about, I just don't understand why people don't reference the reality. The computer systems inside fighter jets are insane crazy smart.

  4. Almost two decades ago the DOD unclassified various information about various projects that hinted they had tapped into some incredible stuff. Holographic storage, biological circuits, etc I haven't been in that game for awhile, but at the rate they were doing research, it's only sped up and far beyond what they had 20 years ago.

  5. What you see, as the public consumer, is literally the trash from the military. Your "smart phones" and such are nothing compared to the systems the DOD has. Just nothing.

In fact, in America, in particular, they keep a VERY strict reign on what technology the public gets to use.

As an easy example, in the USA, you are not allowed to have a phone with more then 1 carrier. It's stupid and silly, but it's real.

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