STO PS4 Cant change outfit

No, I never said anything about being perfect - I also said nothing about crying, or being salty. What I said is this: I expect something that I pay for to work as advertised. That's all I said. I don't expect anything to work perfectly - in fact, If you had read anything I have posted here or on the forums you would know that. I expect the game to work, first and foremost, and when it doesn't, I expect the developer to acknowledge the fact that it doesn't.

Of course none of this matters - I can see all of your previous posts bashing anyone who has anything negative to say. So I may be a dumbass, even a double dumbass, but I'm not a troll. Truth is, i really like this game, and I continue to play it and will continue to do so - Cryptic has won in that sense, and I am okay with that. The only point I have been trying to make is that it would be proper for someone to actually say something about it who actually works on this portion of the game.

Since I responded, I expect you to go to the bathroom by yourself for a few seconds, make sure to bring a big sock, wouldn't want to make too big of a mess.

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