Stop fretting over religious sensitivities. We must push hard against Islamists | Sara Khan | Opinion

Buddhism and violence

Violence in Buddhism refers to acts of violence and aggression committed by Buddhists with religious, political, socio-cultural motivations as well as self-inflicted violence during ascetics or for religious purposes. Buddhism is generally seen as among the religious traditions least associated with violence, but in the history of Buddhism there have been acts of violence directed, fomented or inspired by Buddhists.

Christian terrorism

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who profess Christian motivations or goals.

Right-wing terrorism

Right-wing terrorism is terrorism motivated by a variety of ideologies and beliefs, including anti-communism, neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, and a mindset against abortion. This type of terrorism has been sporadic, with little or no international cooperation. Modern radical right-wing terrorism first appeared in western Europe in the 1980s and in eastern Europe following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Right-wing terrorists aim to overthrow governments and replace them with nationalist or fascist-oriented regimes. The core of this movement includes neo-fascist skinheads, far-right hooligans, youth sympathisers and intellectual guides who believe that the state must rid itself of foreign elements in order to protect rightful citizens.

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